Friday, June 12, 2015

Calm down/Time out bottle

Lately, Koala has been getting frustrated more easily. I think that it has a lot to do with BBC being here. Don't get me wrong, she adores her brother- she gives his kisses and asks where he is when she doesn't see him. She tries to give him his binky when he's crying. But she gets upset when my attention isn't on her.
I decided to make her a calm down bottle to help her calm down when she's feeling frustrated. 
There are a lot of blogs that show how they do it like this one:

I pretty much did the same thing. 
Water bottle
Glitter glue
Hot water 
Funnel (optional)

I used a Fiji water bottle because some of the other water bottles are really made of flimsy thin plastic and I didn't want the bottle to accidentally burst open. I also used glitter glue from the dollar store.

Some blogs said to also add regular glitter but we only used glitter glue. 
I had Koala help me make it because I thought it would be a fun activity for her. I let her squeeze in the glue glitter.

I was going to have her only add one color but she had so much fun she wanted to put in all three. After we added the glue glitter, we added hot water. I boiled some water and then added some cold water to get water hot enough that the glitter glue would mix well but not too hot that the plastic would melt. I used a funnel so that Koala could pour the water into the bottle. 
After we poured in the water, I used a glue gun to glue the lid in place to prevent Koala from opening it and spilling glitter everywhere. 
The glitter glue was clumpy at first but after Koala shook it up, the glitter glue dissolved. 

Koala enjoyed watching the glitter and it seemed to help with the first couple almost mini-tantrums. We'll have to see how well it works for a full blown tantrum... 

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