Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog hiatus

It's been a while since my last blog post. I had a blog post started about my latest project- a playmat for Koala to play on that makes for easy clean up but have been hesitant to post it. 
Some of you may have remembered that I recently chronicled how I made a sleep sack for BBC in one of my last blog posts. 
Recently, I was contacted by the owner of the product and was told to take my blog post down because my blog post 'more importantly, does not comply with the CPSC standards and testing for baby sleepwear.' In not so many words she stated that she would pursue legal action and contact the CPSC if I did not take my blog post down (which I did take down). 
Honestly, I would have taken my blog post down if she had asked me nicely and didn't threaten legal action and I probably would have stayed a fan of the company (no longer a fan- I will never buy or promote this product ever again. I used to tell my new mommy friends about it and how I saw it on TV but I won't be doing that anymore.) 
After deleting the post, I thought it was ridiculous that she tried to act as if her main concern was child safety and that she threatened to contact the CPSC about it. It's not like I'm reproducing the sleep sack and selling them to people. I just made my own version for my own personal use at home.
In reality, she was upset that rather than buy her product, I made my own and the thought that my blog post gave the few people the idea of making their own rather than buying her product made her upset. I get it- she's protecting her company and I don't blame her. I just think she shouldn't have tried to play it off as though her main concern was that I'm not CPSC compliant rather than her loss of potential profits.