Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowman Kit

A while ago, I found this snowman making kit at Bed Bath and Beyond. It had all the pieces for a snowman- scarf, wood pegs for buttons, a nose, eyes, and mouth and it came in a cute wooden box. 
After the first snowfall, Koala had been asking to make a snowman but we didn't get enough snow.
I wanted her to have a snowman kit since it was cute and had everything needed but I couldn't find it in the store. I found some kits on Amazon but none of them came in a cute wooden box. I ended up getting this one. There were cheaper ones made of plastic but I liked this one because it was wood. 

I still wanted a box to store it in so I decided to make one. I searched 'wooden box' on Amazon and found this one

 I checked the measurements of the box to the measurements of the snowman kit and it was a perfect match. 
I went to Michael's and bought blue and white acrylic paint and a paintbrush kit (seemed a better deal than buying two paintbrushes separately). 
The wooden box and paints 

Originally, I was going to paint it myself and surprise Koala with it when we went to make a snowman. But then I decided that she would have a lot of fun decorating the box. 
I mixed some white and blue paint together to get a lighter blue and spread out the splat mat and put a painting smock on Koala. She was so excited to get to work on a project with me. 
I let her start off painting the box and I helped her with the sides. 
I wanted to have a snowman on the top of the box & was going to draw it. But when I saw how much fun she was having, I thought maybe she could draw a snowman. While the box dried, we practiced drawing snowmen and I realized it would be too hard for her to paint one on such a small area. 

I thought maybe an alternative could be a handprint snowman so I searched Pinterest for inspiration. There were some ideas where each finger on the handprint was a snowman but I didn't really like the way it looked. Then I came across a couple pins where the footprint was made into a snowman and it seemed like a perfect idea for the box. 
When the blue paint dried, I had Koala and BBC put their footprints on the box. 

When that dried, I took sharpies and drew on the details of the snowmen and wrote 'Snowman Kit' on it along with their names, age and the date under their footprint. 
It came out even cuter than I expected!
And everything from the kit fit perfectly in the box. 
Now we're all set to play in the snow and make a snowman!
We finally got to use our snowman kit!