Saturday, October 25, 2014


For Halloween, I wanted to find something that we could be as a family. Last year, we were super heroes. This year, I searched Pinterest and found a cute costume of Boo from Monsters, Inc.  and I saw this pic of a Mike Wazowski costume (on Pinterest) which I thought would be perfect for me. 

But instead of making that Mike Wazowski shirt, I bought the toddler costume on Amazon and decided I would put the face part on my belly. 

And I thought that Hubby could be Sulley. 

So I decided to try to make this Boo costume for Koala. I'm not sure why I decided to make a costume because prior to Koala's birth, I never sewed anything after my Home Ec class in Jr High school. When she was born, I started sewing to make her bibs (another post perhaps.) And even though I've never made any clothes before, I thought that this costume didn't look terribly hard.

There were a lot of different pictures for inspiration on Pinterest. I found these two blogs that gave details on how they made the costume :
I used mostly this one and also this one to get a basic idea of how the costume was made. And I used this picture for inspiration.

In the end, I didn't actually follow how the other bloggers made theirs. The one blog made it as one big piece with armholes cut out. I decided that I would make it like a dress with two pieces front and back sewn together.

I went to Joann's and found some shiny purple fabric in the dance fabric aisle. Then I used one of Koala's dresses that flared out as a template and cut 2 pieces out in this shape:

I sewed each of the 2 pieces to white fabric. 

This is how it looked once it was sewed to the white fabric before I sewed them together (hope that makes sense). 

I then took quilting batting and stuffed it into both the front and back and then I sewed horizontal lines.  When I was done with that, I sewed the two pieces together. 

 Initially, I sewed the tops together. Koala was able to squeeze her head in but it took a while so I took out the stitching on the one side and added a button so that we had a bigger head opening. 

The hood was the hardest part for me. The two bloggers made theirs similarly but I didn't quite get how it was supposed to look so I thought I would make a template based one of Koala's hoodies which gave me this shape. 

If I were to make this again, I would definitely use more material to make the hood bigger because although this worked for the hoodie, it kept sliding off because of the weight of the hair/eyes and I had to add cardboard in the back of the hood to keep it stiff so that it would stay up. 

The hair was the top of a mop that I sewed to the hood. The other blogs said they used pipe cleaner to hold up the eyes but when I tried that, the pipe cleaner was so flimsy the eyes wouldn't stay up. So I ended up using these glow sticks that I had. I taped them together at the bottom and then sewed them (through the tape) onto the hood under the hair. If you actually look at it, it's pretty sloppy the way that I put it together but I couldn't figure out any other way of keeping the eyes on the hoodie without poking them through the fabric and causing it to poke Koala's head.
As you can read from my technique, I'm obviously not an expert at sewing but I made it work with my tape and cardboard lol!

Here's a picture of the finished product modeled by Bunny with my costume modeled by Elmo. 
Being a perfectionist, I was a little disappointed that the hood didn't turn out as cute as I thought it would be but I guess for the first time ever sewing an outfit let alone a costume, I was pleased with the overall costume. 

In the end, I wasn't able to get a costume for Hubby so I bought a Sulley stuffed animal for Koala to take with her and I think Chunky Monkey might be Mike Wazowski on Halloween.

Koala wore the costume today for the first time for our Hallelujah night at church. I was worried that people wouldn't know what she was, but as soon as we walked in the door, the other kids were saying 'Look! Koala is Boo from Monsters, inc' and I let out a sigh of relief! Koala had a lot of fun and didn't even seem to mind wearing it! Success! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Playing with fondant

I've always wanted to work with fondant. I have friends who are awesome at cake decorating & I always thought it would be great to learn because ordering a fondant decorated cake is expensive. I even looked into the classes at Michael's & Joann's but I didn't want to have to take the 2 intro classes  they required before you can take the fondant class. So it took me a while to try it. I started out with simple whale fondant toppers for a friend's baby shower.

Fondant cupcake toppers made with a homemade fondant cutter

I also made the fondant whale toppers for the cake.

My nephew- Chunky Monkey's first birthday is coming up and I volunteered to help with desserts & even told my sister I would make fondant toppers if she wanted. I must've mentioned fondant a lot because for my birthday she got me this awesome Wilton starter set that has all the tools you need to start off with.

I decided to make something with fondant for Koala's birthday. We had a small immediate family birthday celebration on her birthday and I thought that would be great practice for her real birthday. 
This was my first real attempt at fondant decorating- Pororo cake toppers.

I bought blue fondant and white, which I dyed to make the other colors. I also looked  up tutorials on Pinterest & came across this awesome step by step tutorial. It's not in English but the pictures were helpful.  Mine didn't come out as cute as the tutorial but not bad for my first try.

I also made these cupcake toppers.

Finally, I made a 4 inch two layer cake that I covered in fondant. The edge on the bottom was very bumpy so I added the ribbon. (After I made the cake I watched a YouTube video on how to do it- should have watched that before!)

I had printed out these Pororo cutouts to use as decoration but didn't have anywhere to put them so I stuck them in the cake too.

Working with the fondant was actually a lot of fun! I can't wait to use it again!