Monday, May 18, 2015

DIY Baby Shortall

I searched for my next project on Pinterest and saw this blog where you can make shortalls from an adult shirt. I remembered I had some of Hubby's polo shirts I wanted to get rid of so I looked up tutorials for polo shirts. This one showed how to resize an adult polo to a kid size. 

I skimmed both blogs and decided to try to make a polo shortall from Hubby's polo shirt. It was an old shirt so I didn't mind if I messed up. 
On Saturday when both kids were napping, I busted out my sewing scissors and started to cut. 
I'm not very good at reading directions or working with patterns so I skimmed the blog pictures and grabbed one of BBC's shortalls to use as a template. 

I cut about an inch around the shortall on the left side then folded the shirt in half and cut based on the other half so that they would be symmetrical. 

I ended up with this cutout. 

I detached the collar by pulling out the stitches. 

Then I sewed the edges of the leg holes and arm holes to create a hem. And then I sewed the pieces together at the tops and the sides- leaving the section in between the legs open so I could add snaps later.
After everything was sewn together, I had to cut the collar to fit the head opening and pinned it to the shirt.

 I cut the collar from one side thinking I could save myself from having to sew both sides. I learned that next time I should cut from both sides so that it's symmetrical. 

I added the snaps using this snap kit. The kit was easier than when I tried to attach snaps without the kit for the quiet book, but it was still pretty frustrating. 

This is the final product- not too bad for an evening project. It would've gone by faster if my thread didn't keep bunching and breaking- just a reminder that I'm still not crafty lol! But easy enough that I'm excited to try it again with other shirts! Next time I'll have to make the legs a little slimmer and longer. I think I will also cut the crotch a little higher so the pants are longer and the torso is shorter. 

Pretty cute to see BBC wearing outfits that Hubby wore. 

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