Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Quiet book: Corduroy

One of Koala's favorite books to read is Corduroy- a classic that I remember from when I was little. I thought that making a button page based on this book would be perfect. 
The idea behind the page was to have buttons for Corduroy's straps so that Koala would learn how to button things. Unfortunately, in terms of functionality, I feel like this page is a bit of a fail. The page looks exactly how I wanted it to- like the cover of the book.

 I actually traced the cover off my computer screen so that the letters, etc were exactly like the book. 
Even though Corduroy only has one button in the book, I put buttons on both straps to give the page more than just one thing for Koala to do. 
The straps lift up and can be buttoned and unbuttoned. 

But the button holes on the straps are too small for Koala to button. Maybe she'll use the page when she gets older but for now, it's just a pretty page that doesn't get much use. #fail

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