Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! 
I LOVE thanksgiving! And this year I was especially excited for the food after being in Korea for so long. 

My Turkey Veggie platter 

I made a cornucopia based on this link from Pinterest. 

My cornucopia turned out to be smaller than I thought so I had leftover pizza dough and I made cheesy bread too. 
This is the cornucopia prebake.

Cornucopia & rolls: my brothers said I should have had more color contrast but I didn't feel like preparing something to put in the cornucopia 

I was also inspired to make more mini pies. This time I made pumpkin pie (for the first time! Thanks Maria for looking up the recipe for me when I shopped for ingredients!)
My mini pumpkin pies prebake, midbake and post.

My brothers deep fried a turkey for the second year in a row- tasted even better than last year 
Pre and post pics

The finished products (fried turkey and baked turkey- both were delish!) Koala approved of the turkey. She didn't really eat much but she ate a lot of turkey!

And the sides! Ah my favorite! I was sooo stuffed & satisfied after eating. (Garlicky Butternut squash, green beans & green bean casserole, mac n cheese, ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, chap chae)
Carbs, carbs, carbs! Yesterday at my doctor's appointment, I was given my slip for my glucose test for my pregnancy. Thankfully, they said I could do it next week which meant I could enjoy all the carbs I wanted for thanksgiving! 

Decorations were simple this year: gold chargers and pumpkins!

Aside from being thankful for the food, I have many things to be thankful for- so many things but I'll list just 5.
1) I'm thankful for my Hubby. This year he went on a business trip- I think the first trip since we had Koala. I realized how much I need him and how much he helps out around the house. I'm thankful for him because we make a good team together. He's a good husband and dad. 

2.) I'm thankful for Koala- she is such a gift from God. She brings so much joy to our lives and makes me laugh even when she's dramatically crying. 

3) I'm thankful for Baby Boy and that he is healthy and the pregnancy is going well. I can't wait to meet him and see how he grows.

4) I'm thankful for my parents. They are so sacrificial and loving and I'm thankful that I live close to them so that we can spend time together. It was great being able to travel with them recently. I love that they adore Koala and love to spend time with her. I'm so thankful for my mom who watches Koala all the time and offers to help me out when she knows I'm tired, even though she's probably tired herself. She says that she is amazed at the mom I am and I say that I'm only the mom I am because I'm trying to be half the mom that she is. 

5.) I'm thankful for my siblings and the friendship that we have. I hope that Koala and Baby Boy can share that type of friendship when they grow up. 

Oops that's 5- I'll just list 2 more:
6.) I'm thankful for my friends who go the extra mile! Too many examples to list and I don't wanna forget anyone- I should thank them personally! 

7.) I'm thankful for my new job. Hubby told me that I don't complain about work anymore and I told him it's cause there's nothing to complain about. I'm thankful that God opened up this job at just the right time. 

I'm thankful for this time of year that I can remember all the blessings God gives me! I know I should be thankful everyday! 
Give Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I love all your thanksgiving topics. But I found #1 the best. It's so good to hear that you and your hubs make a "good team." I believe it's the foundation for this peace and happiness you're experiencing. So happy for you!! Sarah (pyslady)
