Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dol towers

Throwback Thursday

With BBC's dohl to plan, I thought I'd write a post about Koala's dohl preparations.

For her dohl, I wanted to have dohl towers for the pictures. But since we don't live in a city with a large Korean population, there's nowhere nearby where we can rent or buy the towers. So I had to make them. 
I found a couple websites on Pinterest that showed how to make the towers. Some used paper towel rolls but I didn't really like that because 1) I thought it was a waste of paper towels and 2) I thought it was too skinny for the tower. I ended up finding this website that used a concrete pouring tube. The tube is about 4 feet tall. I used a knife to cut it down into four towers (so about 1 foot each.) 

I printed in out a paper that said '축돌' and glued it to the first tower. 

Then I started the process of gluing beans onto the tower with a glue gun. 

Work in progress 

One side done: the rest of the tower was just white beans 
The finished product: front and back

Second tower: Year of the black Dragon 
Koala was born the year of the black dragon so I wanted to have one tower that had a dragon on it. I saw towers on Etsy and Google that were different colors that looked nice. But they sold for over $80 which I thought was pretty expensive (little did I know!) 

lol here's my hand drawn template of what I wanted the tower to look like using white beans, black beans, and pink jelly belly's that I picked up at a local candy store. 

Experimenting with the eyes

The tail 

The finished front and back 

On the top I put a small heart

Third tower: 
Chevron was big back then so I decided to make a chevron tower. I used white mentos and pink ones from their tropical flavor pack.

Three finished towers 

Fourth tower: Bubblegum tower
I bought white gumballs and dark pink and light pink ones and made a striped bubble gum tower. 
My advice is to start from the bottom and go up. Somehow the gumballs don't line up at the top so if you try to stand the tower on it, it wobbles (if that makes sense). 

For the last row you kind of have to squish the gumballs in to fit.

The top isn't as pretty but looks ok.

In the end, the towers were not at all cheap! The gumballs, pink mentos and the jelly bellys cost a lot! I guess if you're only doing black and white, the beans aren't that expensive but if you want to have color, it can get costly. It was definitely my labor of love for the party! 

Setting up the table (this isn't everything but is the best pic I have of the towers).